Friday, May 29, 2009


Bookplate_Special.smTricia Miles, owner of Haven’t a Clue mystery bookstore, is still settling into Stoneham, New Hampshire, the kind of town where everybody knows your name—and where everyone’s quick to lend a hand, even when murder is afoot…

The kinder folks of Stonehammight call Pammy Fredericks a free spirit. The less kind, a freeloading thief.Tricia has put up—and put up with—her uninvited college roommate for weeks. Inreturn, Pammy, has stolen $100, among other things. But the day she’s kickedout, Pammy’s found dead in a dumpster, leaving loads of questions unanswered.Like what was she foraging for? Did her killer want it too? To piece the casetogether, Tricia will have to dive in head-first.…

(Isn't it just gorgeous? And don't you just love the way the window glows like a Thomas Kincade painting--and that type at the bottom of the cover that says New York Times Bestselling Author!!! And how long will it take before my "name" is bigger than the title?)

P.S. Starting tomorrow, Saturday, May 30th, I'll be joining the Cozy Chicks blog. Come on over and check it out.


  1. What a gorgeous cover. I like the glow inside, too. The pumpkin out front makes me think this might be an autumn mystery?

    And, most of all, that long line of type below your name is The Very Best Feature of All. :)
    ("New York Times Bestseller") Hooray!

  2. And you would be right. The story takes place in October--just in time for the Milford, NH, Pumpkin Festival!

  3. It is a wonderful cover. I think this will make your books appealing to those who haven't yet learned just how delightful they are to read.

  4. Ah, Mare, you're terrific. Thanks!

  5. I like the cover for this new book. I just love this series, and cannot wait for more of them. You are a terrific writer. Thanks!

  6. I love the new cover. I can't wait to get my hands on this book.

  7. Ohhh Lorna it's wonderful!!! Love the colors and can't wait to read what is behind this great cover!! Whoo hoo - congratulations!! Sarah

  8. Great cover. Does Berkley ever allow authors to have their name bigger than the title? Interesting research. Don't for get to drop the info by the Sisters Docket, I'm collecting for September issue.
    InSinC Docket Editor

  9. I love your cover, and of course, I love your books. Living in New Hampshire and reading them makes them a wonderful read!! I really look forward to reading all the books in your series. Keep them coming.
