The long saga of my dental implants is just about over . . .
Today I was supposed to get my crowns -- but I got a call last Monday from my dentist's receptionist saying: "They're ready now and we've had a cancellation. Wanna come in?"
You bet!
Of course, what should have taken ninety minutes blossomed into a four-hour ordeal . . . but we won't go there. Suffice to say I CAN CHEW!!!
I had planned to celebrate by buying a bagel. Um . . . haven't gotten around to that yet.
It still feels weird to have two teeth where for nearly 11 months there were none. It's a bit hard to floss between them, but so far so good.
Was it worth the two surgeries, the dozens of appointments, and the thousands of dollars? (Let's just say Mr. L and I could have gone to England on the Queen Mary II for what this cost.)
Would I do it again?
Probably. (And not drag my feet for three months making the decision.)
And how goes the chewing?
Just fine!