Happy Bookday to me!
Happy Bookday, Happy Bookday,
Happy Bookday to me!
FINALLY -- today is the OFFICIAL release day for Chapter & Hearse.
Okay, SOME stores have already been selling it for -- what? -- two weeks?
That's great! (For the bottom line.)
That's bad. Because if there have already been a glut of sales, that means I won't hit the New York Times Bestsellers list.
Okay, the list is icing on the cake. The cake (consistent sales that build) is more important in the long run.
But as a lifelong geek who was always looked down on because she didn't fit the normal role (in school, at work, by some members of my family) because she was starry-eyed and goofy and spent far too much time in la-la land instead of doing stuff like, oh, I don't know--BE NORMAL (and just what IS normal?) the list is like getting on the honor roll at school. (Which I did ... and it made my Dad proud. Dad isn't here anymore, but still--I'd like to make him proud of me.)
Okay, enough. If you like Tricia, Angelica, Miss Marple, Ginny, and Mr. Everett and think you MIGHT want to read the book, I hope you'll consider buying it in the next week or so--even if you can't fit it into your reading schedule until later in the year. And if you DON'T like them or the Booktown mysteries . . .
Today is also supposed to be the release of all four Booktown Mysteries as audio books. I haven't yet been able to track down where or for how much. (They aren't supposed to show up until the 3rd and I'm writing this on the 2nd.) I'll update this post if I find out. (And boy,as a lover of audiobooks, I can't WAIT to hear these books performed.)
And while you're at the store or ordering online, my friend Heather Webber's latest Lucy Valentine novel, DEEPLY, DESPERATELY comes out today, too. I loved the first in the series (there's a psychic thread throughout the story -- except for Lucy, that is -- that Jeff Resnick's creator just couldn't resist), and can't wait to read this one, too!