I would often take Buddy for a walk. You didn't have to take a litter bag with you when you walked with Buddy. He knew where he was to do his business--and that was at his own backyard. When you came to a curb, he automatically sat down and waited for the "all clear" signal that it was safe to go on. He trotted beside you with a smile on his doggy face and tail held high and wagging. Is it any wonder that when I added a dog to the Booktown Mystery series that I would have him be as well trained?
As I wrote last week, I LOVE getting Christmas cards. I also love to get those newsy Christmas letters from friends. Sadly, I don't get as many as I used to get, but I thoroughly enjoy the ones I do get. I got one on Friday, and added at the end were a couple of personalized paragraphs. It said:
"As I was reading MURDER ON THE HALF SHELF, and noting the little Bichon would stop at the corners, I found myself remembering how I used to tell my dogs to "stop" and, surprise, they actually did. Glad I saw that, because now I've begun trying to train my Bichon-Poodle mix and ten-year old shih-tzu to also stop at corners. This is even more important to me since January, when my next-door neighbor and best friend was killed by a car about a block from home while she was walking two of her shih-tzus. Thanks for the reminder."
I cried when I read that paragraph. First, for the loss of my friend's friend, and second, that something I wrote has caused her to train her dogs to sit and stay until it's safe to cross the street.
It's just such a little thing, but it made me glad that I write books. That my words can touch people. That in some small way I can make a difference.
Thank you, Karen. You made my day.