Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I'm not just goofing off . . .

Where the heck have I been lately?  I used to be a very good girl and post every weekday.  Lately ... I've missed a few days here and there, and that makes me feel like I did in school when I didn't do my homework.

The truth is, times are tough.  I mean ... emotionally speaking.  I keep forgetting that not everyone who reads this blog also reads my weekly (Saturday) post on the Cozy Chicks. I sometimes save my big news for that post because, quite frankly, more people read that blog than this one.

Bonnie 3 6-08I had a roller coaster couple of weeks when one of our cats got sick and ... died.  I've been in a terrible place because of losing our dear sweet Bonnie.  (And you can read about her on Saturday's Cozy Chick post.)

The holiday (stressful) season has started.  At least this year I have no house guests.  (One brick off my shoulder.)  It's also Craft Show season.  As usual, I'm doing three this year ... and every year it gets harder.  I need to make a decision.  Do I keep doing these shows (which are a bear to prepare for and a bear to do--involving 6+ hours of standing on one's feet) or is it time to stop?

I have writing deadlines.  This is a constant.  I also have writing projects I'd love to be working on but can't because my time is limited.

And last of all ... it seems I've developed a couple of health (and yet more teeth) issues that need to be addressed.  My hope is that they can be controlled with meds ... but I'm just in the discovery phase (which is also the TERRIFYING phase).  The thing is ... how can you have health issues if you're not feeling lousy?  Go figure.  Still, it's stressful.

So please forgive me if I miss a few days on the blog here and there.
ResnickShotGlassLAST DAY TO ENTER THE JEFF RESNICK SHOT GLASS GIVE-AWAY.  Winners will be announced tomorrow.