Reviews not only tell other readers what you liked about a story (and please, if you do write a review, don't just say you liked the book--tell the next potential reader WHY you liked it; the story, the characterization, the setting, the way the author used weather to help tell the story--anything that caught your eye while reading), but gives them an idea of how much they will enjoy it, too. But please, PLEASE don't give away the ending and/or reveal who the bad guy is. That will spoil the suspense for those who haven't yet read the book.
Even if you don't want to write a review, you can still click the LIKE button near the title on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Why is that important? These big online companies pay attention to how many likes a book receives. They have algorithms they use to decide what books (and authors) to promote and what to never pay attention to--EVER.
Another thing that was brought to my attention just yesterday. Now Amazon has a like button for author pages. Here are mine for Lorna, Lorraine, and L.L. Bartlett.
Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now. But if you have the time, I hope you'll click on a couple of the above links to check things out, and click the LIKE buttons (especially for any of my indie projects--you can find a list of them on the Backlist Ebooks website). You may not think that your one LIKE will count, but it helps. The more likes, the more chances a story (or the author) has of being noticed by these large companies. Your one vote/like really CAN make a difference.
Thank you!