Back in the day, Bic pens were only available (to me at least) in blue or black. I always chose blue. I like the color blue. It's the color of my eyes. The color of the sky. It's nice, friendly. Black is a little too business like for my taste. I like things nice and friendly.
Red pens have POWER. School assignments were always marked with a red pen. For years I edited with a red pen. But now ... eh, I found it's harder to see the red ink than the blue. (And I don't like the implications, either.) So the package of red pens still has 9 in it, while the blue package is empty. Those pens are scattered around the house--any where I might need to pick one up and immediately start writing.
Bic pens come in green, too, but I haven't seen any of them around in years. : (
What product have you fallen in love with lately? (Or rekindle your love affair with?)