Friday, July 22, 2011

Can you get cabin fever in the summer?

I hate being trapped inside by the weather. The temperatures are so miserable you can't step outside for fear of losing your life.  You don't want to go to the store because you'll have to go outside.

I'm not talking about the winter snowstorms we get just about every week here in Western New York, I'm talking the temps in the high 90s.

We're trapped inside because of winter for MONTHS AND MONTHS on end.  So when the good weather comes, I want to be out enjoying it, not trapped inside my air conditioned house.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE not baking to death.  (I lived without air conditioning for most of my life.) But after waiting six months to sit in my screened-in porch, I hate having to be inside, looking out at the flowers and the in-ground pool (which we don't use because the water is too COLD).

This year we've spent more time inside than out on our porch.  And I'm suffering from cabin fever.

Our warm weather doesn't last long enough -- but this heat wave has overstayed its welcome.

How's the weather where you are?


  1. It was 85 degrees at 4:30 this morning. It will be a scorcher here in the city.

  2. We don't have A.C. so I'm croaking here. We should go to the store but I don't want to get dressed. My fingers are sticking to the keyboard and my behind is stuck to the chair. I take a shower and 5 min. later feel like I need another one. And this is N.E. PA on top of a mountain.

  3. 91 in Central PA at 9:30 in the AM. Pool is hot and green, too hot to swim in. . .too hot to go out, AC is running constantly. BIG electric bill this month!

    Suzanne in PA

  4. We're happy when it's under 110, and we haven't had too many days over this summer. We even walked last night - about 10pm, and we didn't walk far! I guess we're lucky because our pools are aerated at night and so far our evening swims are cooling and relaxing.

  5. H'mm. It was 100 degrees at 11 am today (NE NJ) & at 1 pm, it's still 100 degrees w/a heat index of 113. I've gone outside for the paper (8 am & to put the garbage out) and I don't expect to go outside the rest of the day! YES you can get cabin fever in the summer! MY poor backyard squirrel is in his nest in a hole in my tree & he's hanging his head out, looking dazed. Sheesh! It's even too hot for the wild animals!!!

  6. i know what you mean. I haven't gone outside for days except to run errands. The short walks to and from the air conditioned car just about floored me. We just had a thunderstorm which brought the temperature down to 84 deg. F.

  7. Over here in the UK it's been raining most days since June - everyone is moaning about how wet and cold it is, although today it is gorgeously warm and sunny and (allegedly) set to stay fair for an entire week - we shall see.

  8. It has cooled off here. In the low 70's, and it feels great!! Hoping the 'cool' heads your way. And 'yes' I know that feeling and when it hit's in the summer.....errrrrgh it's the pits!!
