Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I fall down go boom!

 Sometimes when I'm falling behind on a project, I'll pack up a cat and go to the cottage to work.  It seems like I can get a lot more done there when I'm on my own and free from distractions than when I'm at home.  And boy have I got a lot to get done.  I'm behind on my manuscript (had to ask for an extension), had a copy edit to complete, and a blurb to write (all with looming deadlines).

So, yesterday I packed up my cat Fred and off we went.

Doesn't that sound ideal?  The problem is . . . it was raining.  REALLY HARD.  It was 8:45 and I'd already been to the grocery store, Home Depot, and filled up the van with gas.  We hit the road and the rain hit us.  What usually takes just under an hour took us 90 minutes.  (But we were listening to Bookmarked for Death on CD and that helped, although it was raining so hard at some points that I couldn't understand what the reader was saying.  No matter.   I know the story.  Heck, I wrote it!)

When we arrived, it was still raining hard, but I had a schedule.  First things first, get the frightened cat out of the car.  That went okay, despite the fact I was juggling a grocery bag, my purse, and the cat carrier, and an umbrella.  But soon Fred was inside and I grabbed my umbrella and went out for a second load.

Did I mention I was wearing my old (with NO tread), paint-stained Crocs?  I'd already mentioned to Mr. L that I had nearly slipped in the Home Depot parking lot, but I'd left my good shoes at the cottage the last time we were there and wanted to remember to bring my ratty old ones back.  I had not reckoned with the wet and slippery staircase.
I fall down go BOOM!

That had to be the most frightening split second of my life.  The stairs have four steps and I missed three of them and landed on my butt on the concrete pavers at the bottom.  I slammed both wrists onto the bottom step and was instantly soaked to the skin.

I must've sat there for a full 10 seconds before I could catch my breath to move.  Was I smart and did I go back inside?  No, I went for another load from the car.  I was careful and since the gutter over the door leaks like a sieve, got even wetter.  I dumped my load and CHANGED MY SHOES.

Once I had everything in, I called Mr. L.  I had promised I'd call as soon as I got in.  His reaction.  "Gee, it's good you're not hurt.  With no neighbors around, nobody would have found you."

That scared me.  (Thanks, Mr. L.)  Suddenly that commercial about the old woman who'd fallen and couldn't get up didn't seem so idiotic.

Lucky for me, I had used an icepack in the cooler so I alternated sitting 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off for most of the day.  I finished the copy edit (and handed it in a week early--Man, I like The Walled Flower!) and I even got a lot of reading in for the book that needs a blurb.  (Once I figured out how I could sit on my recliner without searing pain.)

And now all I have to show for yesterdays adventures are a LOT of bruises and sore muscles.

And the Crocs?  They still aren't in the garbage where they should be.  I still have some painting to complete.  THEN they're going in the garbage.

Have you ever fallen and couldn't get up?


  1. Oh no, so glad you weren't hurt. I have fallen so many times! Unfortunately, its usually in front of a lot of witnesses. But for me, the most embarrassing falls are the ones where you have no idea who saw you! Hope you are getting better, have a wonderful Wednesday!

  2. Yes, when I fell off the stage into the orchestra pit. We were performing Stepping Out, the man in our cast was useless at tapping, so I tapped for him in the wings. It was a modern theatre, the stage is 4´6" with a curtain hiding the lighting board where I was standing, stepped a bit too much to one side and, bye wings, hello pit. Apparently I was out for the count for 20 minutes, then couldn´t move. This happened at dress rehearsal, but as they say, the show must go on.

  3. I walk with a cane and therefore when I go to a hotel I request a walk-in shower (which I got). My son was with me since we had to attend a family affair. He had to go out to rent a car and I decided to take my shower so I would be ready when he returned. I walked into the shower and sat down on the bench and the whole thing pulled out of the wall and I landed on the bottom of the shower and because I have no strengh in my arms, I was unable to get up. Water is coming down, the phone is to high up and my son was not going to be back for awhile.

  4. In my last job I worked on the second floor and the steps were too steep since it had originally been an attic. I was coming down and sort of proofreading the report I had just typed, missed the last two steps and went sprawling across the hallway. I worked in an MRI facility so of course nurses and doctors and everyone else, even a patient, came running. I was sooo embarrassed! To add insult to injury, I had to fill out an OSHA report about my stupidity. :) BTW, only my pride was hurt.

  5. Ye gods, girl! From now on, do not, I repeat, DO NOT go to the cabin (or elsewhere) without a cell phone on your person. I've learned that the hard way (falling down our front steps -- 5 stone steps) TWICE. Did I mention I HATE WINTER? Yep, black ice. First time was on a Sunday morning with no one around (hubby was soundly sleeping & I went to pick up the paper). Second time, hubby at work. That time, the steps were so icy, I couldn't get any traction to get myself up, even using the railing. Luckily, a neighbor across the street was shoveling his walk, saw me, & came over to help. Between the two of us, I managed to get up. Luckily no bones broken either time, but I don't venture outside (even on a bright sunny day) without my cell phone. Humph. Talk about a 'quick' learner. Ha.

  6. I'm glad that you are okay.

    I've fallen many times but the worse when falling down the subway stairs and hitting my head. Was in hospital for a day or two.
