Friday, January 13, 2012

Oh, how I hate winter ... how about you?

Here in Western NY, we've been enjoying November for the past three months.  I'm sure other parts of the Northeast have, too.   It's been great.  I mean, I can't remember such a wonderful winter.  A winter with virtually no snow.

Last year was the pits.  It seemed like it snowed every day. I was out there with my roof rake just about every day, and snowblowing the top of the driveway, too.  (We have an "L" shaped driveway.) Over the summer, we had our landscaping redone.  Weeeee!  Suddenly without all that overgrown stuff lining the drive, the plowman can get in and plow the L-shaped top of the drive.  But oddly enough ... he's only had to do it once this season.

Until today.

Winter has suddenly reappeared.  BAH!  Humbug.

I was quite prepared to go straight through until May with November weather and now ... it's all been ruined.
I'm sure that a few weeks from now Punxsutawney Phil pops out of his hole on February 2nd, you just KNOW he's going to way SIX MORE WEEKS OF WINTER.  I'm just afraid he'll say TWELVE more weeks of winter because we've skirted the issue for so long.

How's winter been where you live?


  1. A-yup. We in NE NJ have been experiencing weather somewhere between late October/early April (some of my very confused potted greenery actually sprouted). This after a Halloween snowstorm. I guess it's finally decided to venture into winter today, the temp's dropped into the low 30s with colder weather promised tonight. Keeping my fingers crossed against snow (for the time being). Just W-I-N-D!!! today. About 25-29 mph nearly steady with gusts threatened up to 50 mph. At least the sun is out right now.

    Hope the snow you're getting doesn't (1) stay, and/or (2) come my way! :-)

  2. It's been the same over here in my part of the UK (east of England). No snow so far and only a few frosty mornings, it is as though winter has forgotten us.
