Thursday, January 12, 2012

The PO just loves me ... NOT!

TheWalledFlower.smGuess what?  I can't get 32 cent stamps.

Why is that such a big deal?

Because I want to mail my postcards for The Walled Flower out AFTER the postage goes up next week.  But guess what?  They won't sell the new stamps UNTIL the postage goes up.  That wouldn't give me much time to stick the stamps on over 2500 postcards.

And why am I waiting to send the postcards until AFTER the postage goes up?  Wouldn't it be cheapter to do it now?

Yup.  By $75 . . . except . . . it's expecting a LOT to ask people to remember HERE'S MY NEW BOOK, BUT YOU CAN'T GET IT FOR THREE WEEKS.  Nope, it's better to send the cards out about a week before publication.  (Although some stores do jump the gun and offer the book for sale ahead of the publication date -- which screws up my changes of hitting the New York Times bestseller list ... but in the long run it's sales, not the timing of them, that really count.)

3 cent stampSo, the bad news is I have had to buy my stamps at the current rate (and my local PO ran out of the 29 cent herb stamps and I had to resort to some polar bear stamps), PLUS either 3 cent or 4 cent stamps to bring the postage up to the new rate.  Can you say "TAKES TWICE AS LONG?"


I'm not liking the P.O. much these days.  (They could at least consult ME before they change rates, and the timing of such, right?)

Anyway, keep a watch out -- a postcard just might be making its way to you in the next week or so.


  1. And they (the Post Awful) wonder why their business is going down the tubes. ::sigh:: It'd be one thing to not sell the stamps if they HADN'T YET BEEN PRINTED, but you know they are sitting on those new stamps, chomping at the bit to see them the second the new rates go into effect. So why NOT sell them NOW and MAKE THE EXTRA MONEY???? Sheesh.

  2. Er, not to 'see' them but to SELL them. Can I claim Friday the 13th messed this up?
