Last week, Alyssa White "presented" me with the finished art.
I like it, but I think this is more how Tricia must have looked when she was a bit younger. (She's 40 in the first book.) So I think of this as "Single-In-Manhattan Tricia."
The thing is, I really DON'T have an exact picture in my mind of what she looks like. I know she has short brown hair, is slim (she works at it), and his shorter than her sister. (I know exactly what Angelica looks like--I found a picture in a magazine that screamed: "I'm Angelica!" (except maybe 10 years older than she is in the books.)
It's very nearly perfect, except for one thing: Brenda is at least nine inches shorter than Richard.
This isn't the first time I've had artwork made for my characters. I wrote a novella using Richard Albert and Brenda Stanley and fan artist Pam Loomis drew them. I knew what Brenda looked like (I supplied her with a picture), but she drew Richard as she saw him, and in my mind--that's him!
It's very nearly perfect, except for one thing: Brenda is at least nine inches shorter than Richard.
And of course, there's Jeff--the star of the Jeff Resnick series. I commissioned a piece of artwork by the amazing Karen River, who is well known for her pen-and-ink illustrations. I also supplied a
photo for it, but she gave him longer hair (which I asked for) and make a few other minor alterations. Both these pieces of fan art hang over my computer desk.
Will I ever receive another piece of fan artwork? I don't know -- but it sure is nice to think someone is inspired by something I created.
I agree with the the single in Manhatten. I like it and I can age her accordingly with no problems at all. Nice job.