Then I worked for 20th Century Fox for almost six months. During that time I got to see and meet a LOT of celebrities and downright TV and Movie Stars. (Including Alan Alda, David Ogden Stiers, Harry Morgan, and even Sigourney Weaver.) But after my brush with Mr. Newscaster, I was no longer impressed with celebrity. Which made it a lot easier for me to leave that job and come back home to Western New York.
In my time as a published author, I've met quite a few big-name authors at mystery conferences. Believe me, I haven't gone out of my way to meet them, either. I'm always afraid that people whose work I've admired might end up being like Mr. (now fallen from grace) Newscaster (who doesn't even come up with a Google search). (Take that, Mr. Arrogant Has-Been!)
So why have I been so tickled to make the virtual acquaintance of author Susan Branch on Twitter?
When I first saw that Susan was on Twitter, I was quick to follow her. But how thrilled I was when I retweeted one of her posts and she thanked me for it. Me. Right here. In backwoods old Western New York!
Since then, we have corresponded maybe six or seven times. The other day, I commented on one of her Tweets and we went back and forth three times. Wow! How wonderful it is to "talk" with someone you've long admired and she was just as nice as I'd always imagined. (And even more cool--that we'd recently both reread a favorite book.)
Have you "met" anyone online (or in person) who you were really impressed with?
The kindest celebrities I've ever come into contact with are Susan, Jamie Oliver, and Jeff Goldblum.
ReplyDeleteOther than that, I am amazed and often baffled by the kind and inspiring people I meet daily on my blog. I am so grateful for the internet, which has opened up a really wonderful community to me.
Hi! Susan is a wonderful person, truly. The other nicest 'real' celebs I've had 'doings' with are: James McAvoy,Ruth Jones, Jamie Oliver & Kevin Spacey. They all seem to still be people as well as mightily famous!! Country Girl is so right about the internet too...blogging has opened up a whole new world of wonderful friends to me. Rachel x
ReplyDeleteDear Lorna,
ReplyDeleteI too I'm a fan of Susan Branch since I bought her first book and everyone since. I thought about writing her many times when I lived in Ca.but never did, then I found her on twitter and was so surprized when she tweeted back to me. She doesn't know how thrilled she made me. Anyone is lucky to call her "friend."
Yep. I was able to meet, virtually, an author I very much enjoy and admire: L.L. Bartlett (wink, wink). The internet really has been a wonderful way for all of us to open our lives and opportunities to people we might never have otherwise met. Love you, Lorna!
ReplyDelete♫♥☼ Hello Lorna...OMG you are so right about getting the First "Tweet" from Susan is beyond exciting! My Baby Sister...Jenny... gave me my very First Susan Branch Book "Christmas Joy" in 1998 & I've been Enchanted ever since with Susan & Her Words & Art~Work...I feel like she is part of My Family & then to Connect with her on Twitter to's all very "Magical"...thanks for your Blog Lorna...Kindred Spirits seem to find eachother...xoxo~Angie(Tink!):-)♫♥☼ Poof!
ReplyDeleteHank Phillip Ryan is amazing. Famous (at least in Boston) TV personality, fantastic writer, she's so sweet in person, and really generous with her time for speaking events, conferences, and SINC-NE board activities. When she's up on the TV in my gym doing a promo for the 11 pm news, I jump up, point, and say, "I know her!" (Can you tell I don't get out much?)
ReplyDeleteWelcome Country Girl, Mozart's Girl, Sandra, and Angietink. I'm so glad some of Susan's follower's found my post. I hope you'll come back for more.
ReplyDeleteCarol--long time, no hear from! Hey, Maxwriter!
Love hearing everyone's stories.
My heroine, Vicky Hill, aspires to be the next Christiane Amanpour of CNN fame - a fact I mention in Vicky's adventures. A lot.
ReplyDeleteIt took me literally two years, to find an address for Ms Amanpour. I sent her my quirky Vicky Hill mysteries without expecting a reply. A couple of months later I got an email from her assistant saying that Christiane was enjoying reading them. I am still tickled pink about that.
Susan Wittig Albert, totally by chance when I was checking to see if anyone else was blogging about the Texas Hill Country besides me. Ended up being a life-changing happenstance, when she talked me into joining Story Circle Network. I'm a big fan of Susan Branch too, and have most all of her books. I think her strong sense of place, and wonderful slice of life drawings have probably influenced my blog and writing.
ReplyDeleteI met Tess Gerritsen at a book function and when I went up to get my book signed, she recognized my name from my blogging on her site and we had a brief conversation. I was totally impressed that she recalled my name. As soon as I left the place, I called my girlfriend squealing with delight.
ReplyDeleteLoved your blog!! Also met Susan on Twitter and love her work! She is 'down to earth' and really in touch with people who value her creative endeavors! I would think it would be so hard if one is so famous!!
ReplyDeleteAfter a long and exhausting day at a showing of singer/songwriter Joni Mitchell's paintings at an art gallery in her hometown of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, I finally managed to finagle a meeting between her and my then six-year-old (or so) son, who like me is a big fan. He was determined to talk to her and didn't believe he might have to go home without it happening, due to all the other people lining up to speak with her.
ReplyDeleteWhen finally she leaned forward (he was in a wheelchair that day) and took his hand, she let him go on, and on, and on, and on ... while others had to wait ... she was very patient and kind, a real sweet lady.
My favorite celeb on Twitter has to be Susan Branch!! She is amazing and such a beautiful, wonderful lady! This computer forum has opened great doors for all of us!
My daughter, whose absolutely favourite show on TV was I Dream of Jeannie, was working as a concierge in a hotel a few years ago when who should arrive but Barbara Eden! I couple of days later, when Barbara was leaving, I got a frantic but happy call "She touched my hand!!". Brenda then proceeded to tell me Barbara was just the same as on TV even after all these years, a gracious person, but piled into the taxi head first, a very Jeannie-like thing to do. I now have a granddaughter named Genie.
ReplyDeleteHi, Nightreader. Thanks for stopping by. What a charming story!