This has been a pretty good week for me, but that doesn't mean I'm totally peeve-free.
My paranormal mystery novel (but with laughs), NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEED, was released on Tuesday, and the response so far has been very gratifying. I've even done a couple of radio interviews to support the release, and that's where the peeve comes in.
I cherish media people who interview authors. Truly, I do. And I understand completely that they can't read every book from every author they're going to interview; there just aren't enough hours in the day (or enough publicity copies to go around, in some cases). And each market is different. So I honestly don't mind answering the same questions over and over. Because each listener who hears about the book and might buy it is a friend of mine.
But does everybody HAVE to ask me about "Jersey Shore," the MTV "reality" show, just because my series is set on the beach in New Jersey?
Trust me, we Garden Staters do NOT all have names like "Snookie" or "The Situation." (That's a name?) We don't spend all our time worrying about hair gel and complaining in hot tubs. We have jobs, families, even teenagers we're proud of (like my daughter, who graduates high school June 21!). Don't judge us by that crowd.
After all, most of them are from New York, anyway.
And what's bugging YOU today?
So true! lol
ReplyDeletePersonally I can't believe people like that exist in my world.
ReplyDeleteYeah, here's to doing away with stereotypes that most people buy into. I live in Maine. I don't say "ayuh", I'm not quaint, and I do have indoor plumbing. You are preaching to the choir. Best of luck!
ReplyDeleteI can't understand why they would even bring that topic up with you. I can understand your peevedness.
ReplyDeleteIsn't Kelly Ripa from NJ, not exactly Snookie is she? My pet peeve my teenage boys walking away from me when I am still trying to talk to them. Not even fighting just asking them something and away they walk!