Friday, September 17, 2010

I haven't heard a word in months....

Like a mute swan, my PC has been deathly quiet for a couple of months now.  One day I heard AOL tell me "You've got mail," and the next I didn't.

You can't watch videos without the sound.  They lose a LOT.

 You can't hear when new mail comes in so it will distract you from whatever work you're trying to get accomplished.

You can't hear what Whoopi had to say on the view yesterday.

It's boring.

Well, I'm hoping that'll change on Monday.  Mr. Lorna bought a new computer yesterday, only he's afraid to touch it.  So, he's called Mr. Computer Repair Geek.  This guy knows his stuff.  He's kept my e machine alive and well for the past five years, and I love this computer so much, I want him to keep it alive a bit (okay YEARS) longer.  (As I've mentioned before, I do not love my laptop (which is on the short list for replacement), and I do not love my iMac keyboard (any woman who doesn't bite her nails to the quick has GOT to hate it.  And they don't offer different styles.  Just the one).

I'm SOOOOOO hoping I can get my sound back.  I miss it.

I want to hear that guy say "You've got mail" every morning.  Wouldn't you?


  1. Congrats on the new system & I sure hope your computer geek guy can keep your other system sprightly. Since I don't use AOL, I don't hear that "You've got mail!" cheery voice, but at least my computer still does speak (when I want it to).

    I like to do jigsaw puzzles on my computer (I have a program that will make a jigsaw out of any photo I have and I have gazillions thanks to my digital camera.) I'd be LOST without that comforting "snick!" as two pieces fit solidly together. So, with that in mind -- have at it!! Hopefully your computer geek will change your life on Monday and you'll be back to "You've got MAIL!!" ;-)

  2. I love the smell of a new computer and I'm sure you'll enjoy that AOL man telling you that you have mail.

    I love when I sign on and hear "you got mail." I found an aol sound that now says "you got mail dru." How cool is that.

  3. My program makes a dong sound, and I do like hearing it. I'm tuned to it. I can't hear my husband from ten feet away, but that dong calls me from the kitchen. Does that make me an addict? I think so. :)
