Okay, I live in Western NY and we're not known for tropical breezes -- at least not until July, but come on Mother Nature, toss us a crumb. I'll happily take 50 degree days and 32 degree nights. No more of this 20s crap -- DURING THE DAY. And get rid of that wind, too, will you? It makes that 27 degrees feel like 10.
One good thing, even though it was 20+ all day yesterday, the snow was melting, thanks to Mr. Sun. (Or at least it was evaporating. Anyway, it's going away. Again.)
How many more months until June?
Tell me about it. It was like an ice box in my place (still having issues with building's heat system). I'm hoping March when it leaves like a lion, it stays away.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you, Dru. My office starts out at about 55 and takes 5-6 hours to get up to 70. I have a BIG HEAVY sweater on and am glad of it.
ReplyDeleteToo bad you don't fly! It's supposed to be in the 90's later in the week here in Mesa, AZ.
ReplyDeleteLast week was Spring Break for my school - but we had snow yesterday and woke up to temps in the 30s this morning. I love Colorado, but I sure miss the Texas warmth.
ReplyDeletethey say for at least another week it will be lower than normal here in Iowas. We'll probably go from winter right into the middle of summer and not have a spring again. Problem with that you ask???? It's super hot and humid in the summer. I like spring and fall best. sue
ReplyDeleteWe had our first teaser. Temps up to 70. Daffodils and forsythia blooming. Robins everywhere.
ReplyDeleteAnd the forecast is for a low of 20tonight and snow on Wednesday.
I woke up to 3* at 6:00 this morning. The wun is out and it's pretty good now, in the 30s. But here in central WI I guess I best not complain to much.......we could get another 18" dump of snow!!