Thursday, March 24, 2011

Inconsiderate Drivers

Last week we had a couple of days of spring--before spring officially arrived.  Temperatures in the 60s gave people the idea that it was time to break out the sunglasses, shorts, sandals, and sun screen.

Not quite.

Yesterday we had a 12-hour snowstorm.  There were lots of accidents on the roads because of it, one involving a school bus full of handicapped children.

Why all the accidents?  Because people suddenly forgot how to drive in winter.

Actually, they didn't forget.  They were in such a hurry they decided that while everyone else around them was driving carefully, they didn't have to and could go the speed limit (or above).  They could continue to talk (or WORSE YET TEXT) on their cell phones.  They could put on make-up, eat that burger, or just plain not pay attention to the road conditions.

Consequently, it tied up a lot of police officers, firemen, EMTs, and ambulance drivers, as well as delaying traffic, causing health care and insurance rates to rise.

I did have to go out in that mess, but I was home before the worst of the snow hit. I also saw the aftermath of an accident that put the fear of Mother Nature in me.  I stayed home for the rest of the day.

What is wrong with people that they think THEY don't have to use common sense when the weather turns nasty?

And what's bugging you today?


  1. Well, this bugs me everyday. It's that people are in such a hurry that they get it into their heads that they matter more.

    I have a 45 minute commute - each way. I drive the exact same route five days a week and I have for the past 9 years. Every day someone thinks they are more special than everyone else, they are in a bigger hurry, that the rules and common courtesy do not apply to them; in good weather and bad.

    Some people are just jerks.

  2. I always say why the rush, the building doesn't move.

  3. You've struck a nerve with me. Nowadays I'm thankful I'm retired, done with that 45-60 min. commute I had 5 or 6 days a week. Since I live on top of a mountain, getting up and down was miserable. I'm usually fuming when I drive in town because common courtesy seems to be a thing of the past. Those people (slow or fast) who think they're the only ones on the road drive me bananas. People don't even pull over out of respect for funeral processions anymore!

  4. I'm with you all I hate people that text or talk on their cell phones while driving. THere have been so many accidents and teens killed here that they have finally passed a law that teens can't use their cell phone in ANY way while driving. There isn't really anyway to make sure they don't but just the threat seems to have helped if I could just get my 14 year old to stop texting me from her room and just come out to the living room to ask me what's for supper things would be good. Sue
