Monday, August 15, 2011

99 Years Ago Today

Today would have been Julia Child's 99th Birthday.

Julia-child-with fish


I confess, until I saw the movie Julie & Julia, I really didn't know that much about Ms. Child.  Now I've read a couple of books and obtained her book Mastering the Art of French Cooking (which I have not).  And it wasn't the cooking in the film that made it a hit with me, it was that Julie and Julia were both WRITERS.

What a cool lady.


  1. She's almost as old as Lucille Ball!! Lucy turned 100 this month. I loved the movie Julie and Julia. Julia Child's show is on a sattelite channel called the cooking channel. I love watching her. She was certainly an unconventional cook.

  2. Have you been to her kitchen at the Smithsonian? It was like she was standing there showing us her latest recipes.

  3. I was surprised how much I enjoyed the movie Julie & Julia, but I've always admired Julia Child for her WWII service.

  4. My father and I loved her TV show, and we used to do what we thought was a hilarious imitation of her. She was a hoot! I admired her because she knew she was different and she just didn't care.

  5. Have you read "My Life in France? Her story and its wonderful. As is her cooking. My first trip to France was in the 60's and I came home determined to learn to cook something besides cassoroles with Campbells soup and jello salad. When I found her Mastering the Art of French Cooking, I was in heaven. I haven't made everything in there, far from it, but enough so that its changed the way we eat forever. Happy Birthday, Julia. And, thank you.
