Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mr. Wasp Builds A Nest

And so as we left the cottage last week, Mr. Wasp flew in.  Mr. MONSTER Wasp.  Of course I screamed.  I scream whenever there's a bug bigger than my big toe and if it's flying around --I scream REALLY LOUD. (And for some reason it annoys Mr. L.)

But I opened the door and Mr. Wasp flew out to dive bomb somebody else.

Only it turned out it wanted to dive bomb us.  Him and a LOT of his friends.  They were flying in and out of a little strip of metal above the gutter right over the front door.

"We'll get some wasp spray," Mr. L said.

Okay.  He bought it and since I decided to go back there to write he handed it to me and said, "Good luck."


Mr. Wasp and friends were very busy when I arrived.  Going in and out and (presumably) building more rooms in the nest for their friends and relatives.


But before I did anything I did what I never do.  I READ THE DIRECTIONS ON THE CAN.  It said to wait until dusk when Mr. Wasp and friends were turning in for the night.

It was a L-O-N-G day, and I went in and out the back door.

At long last almost dusk arrived and I went outside, set up the ladder (this time wearing shoes with traction.  I didn't want a repeat of two weeks ago when I fell down the rain-slick steps and received a gigantic bruise the side of Puerto Rico).  Perched on the ladder, I took aim and SQUIRTED.  Wow--that can really could expel its poison for 20 feet.  But was I in a good position to actually get the nest, which is completely invisible?

I squirted again.  Mr. Wasp and pals were getting a little upset.  Suddenly there were about 20 of them hovering madly outside their home.  I jumped off the ladder and backed away, sure I was about to be swarmed.  But the wasp family was more interested in defending their turf than turning on me.  Still, I squirted a couple more times from the ground and waited.  Nothing seemed to happen, but I did hear some odd buzzing.  I looked down and a couple of wasps were wiggling around in agony.

I felt like a murderer.  I stomped on them to put them out of their misery and hurried back inside.

Okay, I worked in a chemical factory for over 25 years.  I know what poison does and wasp spray is poison.  These wasps could have lived long and happy lives if they'd built a nest in the tree or in someones barn far away from me.

I have a feeling they're not finished.  They're big.  Like Terminator wasps.  They'll be back.

Next time I'm going to let Mr. L deal with them while I hide at a safe distance.

Have you ever dealt with wasps or other really big bugs?


  1. My standard war cry for bugs is "Honey! Bug!". He usually comes snickering to whatever room I'm in, decides whether he should kill the bug or catch it and put it out the window and then deals with it. He's really good about it as long as I don't wake him up to deal with it. :)

  2. My husband has the same problem with his machine shop. If it isn't wasps, it's spiders - and he's really afraid of both. I tell him it's old age because he didn't used to be so scared. Oh, and then there are the snakes. Long story.

  3. I'm taking my hat off to you, the author of "Killer Chipmunk!!" Never thought I'd see the day Mrs. L would go after ANYTHING that lived outside and flew (or crawled or hopped or limped or ....). ::GRIN:: Proud of you. Heck, after seeing your proof, I'm astounded. Those ARE Terminator wasps. Definitely let Mr. L deal with them. But first have him suit up in a Hazmat suit with REALLY good protection. Good Luck!

  4. I am not a bug fan myself. Living here in Florida we have lovely (and I don't mean that literally) palmetto bugs which are nothing but a flying cockroach and they are huge. One of those horrible things got in my house the other night and I had to rid the house of it because the kittens were wanting to tear the house up to get rid of it.

  5. I'm not a fan of bugs, especially those that fly.
