Monday, November 22, 2010

I'm a producer!

Lights, camera, action!  (Well, almost.)

Crafty Over the weekend my friend Ellery Adams and I worked on a book trailer for A Crafty Killing, the first book in my Victoria Square Mystery Series. (It doesn't come out until February 1st, but -- gosh-darnit, you can preorder it now!)

I don't know about Ellery, but I had a lot of fun on my end.  It's just like being a small-time movie director/producer.  I wrote the script, chose the pictures and sent it all to Ellery to put together.  (She's a wiz at that kind of thing.)  When she had assembled everything, she put a short piece of music to it and said I should probably look for something different.

Holy cow, if I enjoyed finding the pictures, I did NOT enjoy finding music.  First of all, there's a ton of it out there, and trying to find something that went along with my script was difficult.  I would play the video with the sound turned down on my iMac and play the music on my PC.  There's about 4 feet in between my two computer desks and it might as well have been a mile the way I was jumping back and forth, starting the video--stopping it, starting the music, jumping back to restart the video.  I estimate I listened to about 20-30 pieces of music in two hours trying to find something that fit and was the correct length of time.
And now it's done.  Wanna peek?  (Click here.)

So, what do you think?


  1. Love the trailer. I shared it on my blog and on my FB page. Can't wait for this book to be released.

  2. I don't know where you got the music, but I loved it! Hey, the trailer is boffo, too!! Grrrr ... now I have to wait for MONTHS to read it. **heavy, dramatic sigh**

    Both of you did a great job, but may I offer a suggestion? Move your iMac and PC closer together! :-) Keep up the terrific work.

  3. Great book trailer. Definitely grabs your attention and makes you want to know who did it and why.

    Thoughts in Progress

  4. I couldn't listen to it at work this morning, so I'm glad I waited until I got home and now I have a verdict:
    I LOVE IT!
